Friday, November 4, 2011

Jumping right in....

Mood: Relaxed
Listening to: The rain & Nick jr. 

     Today, I am a day away from being a complete week past the point in my last pregnancy when I miscarried. I'm kind of afraid to feel confident in this pregnancy. With all the negative things happening to so many Mommies in my pregnancy group & going through a loss myself earlier this year, it's hard for me to really believe this is a solid pregnancy. I have moments when I am very excited and I start thinking about baby names. But, I must say for the most part, I'm holding myself back from becoming too attached. I'm hoping that will all change once I get my ultrasound on November 10th. Fingers crossed it'll be a good ultrasound with a strong heartbeat and a baby measuring right on target.

      So far I have gained 3 pounds & I'm trying not to get too worried about weight gain. However, I will be keeping a watchful eye on it. With my son I gained 40 lbs! I breastfed for a year and that weight pretty much stuck. I'm not happy about it. I should have worked on it consistently over the last couple of years, but I was .... (insert excuse here).  I tell you...SEE! Totally... unavoidable ;)

     As far as symptoms go, I've had some breast tenderness that seems to come and go. I wish it would stay. I love it when my boobies hurt; It's a comforting feeling. (Only a pregnant woman would find discomfort- comforting. LOL) Some smells have been bothering me, but nothing to the point of actually tossing my cookies. (Really wish I would!) In the very beginning of this pregnancy I thought I had severe PMS because I was super emotional. Turns out it was just the pregnancy hormones kicking in. Since I got the positive HPT on October 4th I haven't found myself so emotional. I'm happy with this. When I was pregnant with my son I was a crazy b*tch! I remember throwing an avocado at my husband, crying over peanut butter and jelly & tossing a pack of frozen pork chops out in the lawn! I'm happy "that Jenn" is staying far away! Oh, my poor hubby! I don't know how he made it through all that still loving me. :D He's such a good man!

     I've been craving lots of different things, the latest being Hawaiin BBQ. (Maybe I'll get it tonight **hopes**) Yesterday, I wanted pie with a passion and the day before it was lemons that had my eye. So far every time I've indulged in a craving it has treated me right... save for the time I was craving donuts and ate 3 1/2! Yikes.. I still can't be in the same room as a donut. Horrible, just horrible.

     I'm really looking forward to being able to hear my baby's heartbeat with my Doppler at home. I know I shouldn't be able to hear it until 9-10 weeks, but that doesn't mean I can't try. ;) I'm also really anxious to be able to tell the rest of our family that I am expecting. I have a widget on my phone counting down to 12 weeks, 27 days left! 
